Join our fastest growing freelancer’s community

Choose your role

Choose the plan that most suits you

All options include a fully functional dashboard, and a full access to all of Worqleus’ features.

How It Works
Define Your Project Collaboratively

Communicate with freelancers using WorQleus’s built-in messaging system, or exchange contact info – it’s up to you. Decide on your project scope and payment structure, then get your project started with freelance marketplace platform.

Track Your Project

From your dashboard, keep track of your projects. You’ll be able to communicate with your freelancers and track progress, such as milestones and hours worked, on a marketplace for freelance services.

Pay Securely

Once you’re satisfied with the completion of your project, you’ll be able to pay securely using our payment gateway. From the gateway of our freelance marketing website, you can view and download invoices to keep for your business records.

What Makes WorQleus Unique?

No Commission

We very well know that commissions lead to a number of unnecessary evils when it comes to long-term business outcomes. Hence, we don’t keep any percentage of your income as a commission, rather a simple monthly flat fee is taken, without affecting your earning.

Communicate Seamlessly

We never restrict how you can communicate with clients. Use Worqlues’s messaging system, email, social media, phone calls – whatever works best for you. We believe this helps to build transparency, professionalism, and trust with clients.

Easy Linking

You can link your official WorQleus account with your other social media accounts and help your business to build a strong brand presence on social media seamlessly. This integration is designed to help you market your services and reach a wider customer base. We want Worqleus to help you in differentiating yourself, connecting with your customers, increasing brand loyalty and selling your vision to larger customers.

A Community of Experts

One of our most exciting features is a community forum called “Ask the Experts.” Here, we invite freelancers to connect directly with consumers by answering user-generated questions. It’s like Quora, but with answers exclusively from experts in their fields. This is a great place for consumers to get information and for freelancers to enhance their authority and exposure – all for free!

Flexible Pricing Model

We believe in delivering complete value for money to freelancers, henceforth you can be your own boss and decide your pricing model and the options available on WorQleus: fixed cost, per milestone, or per hour. Choose what works for you, and you can adjust at any time.